Cygnet indication
When a really rad company like Cygnet buys out another cult-rich heritage company, the result can only be good – and it sure is!
When a cult-rich brand that excels in one area – in this case rod supports – buys out another British heritage company which has been making top-spec, delicious-looking bobbins, it could only ever be a bloody beautiful and awesome thing.
And that’s exactly what our favourite aluminum makers, Cygnet, has gone and done: they’ve bought out legendary bobbin maker, Muddy Waters. From the ultra culty Clinga Old Skool to the Clinga XXL they’re using over at Rainbow, the new Cygnet Indication collection doesn’t disappoint with its six head models and seven colours.
This new arm of Cygnet also includes a very comprehensive range of extras, including six different connecting chains/cords/arms, two line clips, conversion kits, isolites and spare rubber O-Rings – all pitched at Cygnet’s now tried and tested formula of: good-product,-well-priced. Here’s how it all shapes up… cygnettackle.co.uk

1. Clinga Old Skool
One of the longest and most popular shaped heads – and for good reason. The ‘Old Skool’ is a dedicated slack-line indicator head that will hang on your line without pulling it tight thanks to measuring just 10 x 22mm and weighing a teeny 2g in the acrylic material or 3g in the white. Available in Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black and White.
“GIMME”: Head, £4.99; Kit, £9.99

2. Clinga Lite
Although the Clinga Lite has the same diameter at the Old Skool, it’s a longer head, measuring 37mm and weighs in at 3g and 4g depending on the material you opt for. The ‘Lites’ are perfect for close- to medium-ranges where delicate line management is paramount. Like all the models, each Kit comes with the following: indicator head, 6” Black Clinga Ball Chain and Black Clinga Link.
“GIMME”: Head, £4.99; Kit, £9.99

3. Clinga Dumpy
Is the bulk of your angling carried out between what you’d class as ‘close- to medium-range?’ Then this is the head for you. Stouter in profile than the other heads, the ‘Dumpy’ performs as well as it looks – and just look at it: lush! The ‘Dumpy’ measures 15 x 22mm and weighs 5g in the acrylic and 7g in the white.
“GIMME”: Head, £4.99; Kit, £9.99; available in all seven colours

4. Clinga Standard
If you’re after just one head to cover as many different situations, then the ‘Standard’ is the one. It’s a great all-rounder that lends itself to most applications, from the margins to long-range. And thanks to the Kippa Clip which comes as standard with all the heads, it means said head will show up the tiniest of lateral movement.
“GIMME”: Head, £5.99; Kit, £10.99

5. Clinga Long Range
Thinking of reverting back to the 80’s way of fishing with ultra tight lines? If so, then the ‘Long Range’ should be your heavyweight head of choice. Thanks to weighing in at 12 and 20g, it’s perfect for tight-line and medium- to long-range applications, and again, because of the Kippa Clip, all movement at the lead end will show up at the rod
“GIMME”: Head, £5.99; Kit, £10.99

6. Clinga XL & XXL
The behemoths of the group. Dedicated, ultra-long range heads in white PTFE for maximum weight, these have been purposely built for inland seas, rivers and to combat big currents and undertows. Available in XL (20 x 50mm) and XXL (30 x 50mm) and weigh in at a whopping 35 and 75g! Must-have for overseas adventures.
“GIMME”: XL Head, £7.99; XL Kit, £12.99; XXL Head, £9.99; Kit, £14.99
How to tailor
The other bits and piece you need to create a bespoke set-up.
Flexi Arms
In one setting, the arm acts a traditional hinged-arm for free, unhindered indicator movement. Or, by pushing the arm into the flexi hinge, the arm is braced to relieve the weight of the head for slack line fishing, or to give resistance when tight line fishing. Available in 3” and 6” lengths.
“GIMME”: £4.99 and £5.99

Clinga Links
Ultra-practical, minimalist brackets to affix your chosen cord, chain or arm to your bankstick or buzzer bar. Available in
stainless steel or standard moulded variants.
“GIMME”: £2.99 and £5.99

Ball and chains
A collection of chains which are hewn from the strongest stainless steel ball and link chains Cygnet could source. The chain and threads and available in black or alloy.
“GIMME”: From £3.99
For the ultimate when it comes to an ultra lightweight set-up. The link end of the cord is made from anodised aluminium, whilst the head end is black plastic to minimise weight.
“GIMME”: From £3.99
Ultra bright, ultra long-life and custom built to fit all the indicator heads (along with many others). Avaiable in Red, Yellow, Green, Ice Blue, UV/Purple and white.
“GIMME”: From £9.50
Kippa Clips
The best type of line clip going. By clipping the ball clip on your line it allows movement through the clip. Pull your line into the ‘wings’ and it’ll show up the tiniest lateral movement.
“GIMME”: £2.99
Kippa Clip XT Clip
A stronger, tighter version of the Kippa Clip, which has been designed primarily for heavier indicators and slim braids – typical in extreme big water fishing.
“GIMME”: £2.99

Conversion Kits
A pair of mole threads, complete with Allen key, to convert the female threads on Cygnet’s Cords, Flexi Arms, Ball and Chains into male threads for use with other indicator systems.
“GIMME”: £3.99
Spare Rubber O-Rings
Achieve perfect alignment. Place a rubber O-Ring on your buzzer/rod rest thread to enable easy alignment with indicators and buzzer bars without stripping the thread.
“GIMME”: £1.99