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CARPology Reviews

Cygnet Square Bucket Spod Adaptor

Cygnet’s new Square Bucket Spod Adaptors won’t just help augment your spodding, it’ll save your back, too

When it comes to spodding, Cygnet’s Spod Adaptors previously only put your round bait bucket right where you need it: at your waist height, making it easier and quicker than ever before to bait up. This new addition now means you can convert your favourite square bucket into one of super-Spombing-awesomeness!

Simply attach the adapter plates to your bucket, screw in your banksticks/storm poles, hike it up to your waist height and you’ll have nothing less than brilliant accuracy and zero backache as you don’t have to keep bending down to refill your Spomb every cast.

Sold in two forms: the first being the Adaptor Plates and Bolts and the second is the complete kit, which includes the Adaptors and four storm poles which extend from 30- to 58-inches.

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