April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Daiwa Infinity EVO MT ALPS Rods

Daiwa’s brand-new Infinity EVO MT ALPS mixes a flawless smooth finish with a hard-nosed reel seat which looks like it’s been attacked by an axe - and we love it

Daiwa’s Magnum Taper Blank has a long, proud history dating back to the mid-00s. They combined incredible looks with remarkable casting power and accuracy. Since then, Magnum Taper has been become the staple blank for all of the Scottish-based top-end models: Basia DF X45, Infinity DF, Infinity MT AGS and co. To cut a long story short: it’s Daiwa’s rod engineers’ go-to blank when they’re looking to create a rod which doesn’t just offer huge casting potential with pinpoint accuracy, but versatile fish playing and outrageously gorgeous looks. Daiwa have won many awards for how their rods look - but this new one is completely off-the-scale.

The Big Questions

That reel seat’s a bit edgy for Daiwa!
It’s certainly outside their comfort zone, but then Daiwa have never shied away from being different - or pushing the limits of technology for that matter. The carbon guides on their flagship Basia AGS rods; the Basia Z45QD: the world’s lightest big pit reel; the Cast-izm 25: the first mini big pit reel. They’ve created some cult classics too when it comes to cosmetics: SS3000, Millionmax, Longbeam, Amorphous - the list is endless.

Milled from ultra high-grade corrosion resistant 61XX aluminum, the Alps reel seat is a work of art

What is that reel seat though?
It’s called the ARD-B Black Aluminum Reel Seat and it’s made by Alps - Fuji’s toughest competitor in the reel seat market. It’s strong but light, thanks to being milled from ultra high-grade corrosion resistant 61XX aluminum. And it looks a billion dollars because of the carefully engineered rippled water drop grip configuration. However, Daiwa knows this style of seat isn’t for everyone, so they’re offering a second option which is your more traditional, tried and tested, Fuji DPS.

The paintwork is flawless

What’s the blank like then?
It’s one of their best yet. Light, crisp, strong, and with one of the fastest recovers we’ve ever seen. To achieve this, Daiwa have combined a Magnum Tip profile (that’s what the MT stands for in the product name) with High Volume Fibre blank construction and a strategically located 1k woven sheet and this provides an enhanced balance between tip speed and rod power, giving you a fast, smooth 12ft rod that offers test curves between 2.75 and 3.75lb.

It’s powerful then?
Indeed. But this rod isn’t just about power - it’s forgiving, and thanks to the three test curves - 2.75, 3.25 and 3.75lb TC - it means you have complete versatility to fish almost any kind of water and play any size of carp with precision and control.

Smothered in black!

They’ve got a luxury finish, too, right?
Derr… Of course! SiC guides, 50mm butt ring, 1k woven finish to the butt and tip, NS tube rear butt with aluminum butt cap and of course all the paintwork has a matt finish which everyone just loves. They are a mix of true beauty and technology.

That sentence makes them sound expensive…
They’re certainly not cheap, but then you wouldn’t expect to buy an Audi R8 for the same money as an A3. There’s three models available with the Alps seat, all 12-footers, and in the test curves we’ve previously mentioned, and prices start at £415. The Fuji reel seat option is a bit cheaper, with prices beginning at £375.

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