April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Deeper Smart Sonar Pro+

Depth, dimension and discovery! Here’s our three-month tester report update on the Deeper Smart Sonar Pro+

It’s been three-months since we gave you an insight into a product that’s truly hit the carp fishing scene with a bang! The Deeper Smart Sonar Pro+: a small, cast-able sonar device capable of not only reading the topography of your swim but relaying all that valuable information straight back, live, to your smartphone or tablet.

The device creates its own Wi-Fi signal to make this connection regardless of your phone signal or provider, and as we saw on our initial test, it was extremely easy to set-up and use. All you need to do is download the feature-packed Deeper App, charge the sphere-like device and attach it to a standard carp rod capable of casting its 3.5oz weight. Once cast into the lake the advantages of the device were instantly clear via the comprehensive information shown, such as water depth, temperature, and crucial lakebed details. Yes, we were impressed, but has this appreciation continued? You bet your last super-secret spot it has!

Firstly, we’ve really noticed how much less disturbance using the Deeper device creates, simply because your initial cast gives a better idea of the areas to target or not, significantly reducing the amount of leading about required. This has really been apparent in recent months with the warmer weather triggering a fair amount of weed growth. Although prior to this extended growth, the most common way of finding out an area which is chocked with weed is by casting a lead or marker, which is often followed by the sometimes swim-wrenching effect of dragging in a huge ball of weed through the very feature that will often be harbouring the carp. An occurrence easily avoided with the Deeper Smart Sonar Pro+, as it details any underwater vegetation while quietly being drawn to the bank across the surface.

So vitally you begin to build a comprehensive picture of your swim, but the overview of your water doesn’t end there. Such is the accuracy of the Deeper sonar scan you can easily identify clear areas and spot more suitable to presenting your baits, and this is where a distinct opportunity of holding an ‘edge’ evolves. Not only are the major humps and bars clearly visible i.e. the spots that most visiting anglers will have knowledge of, but much smaller and slight features can also be discovered. Potential feeding spots that haven’t been regularly fished by all and are so less likely to be shown caution by the carp.

What’s more, with the Deeper device easily visible at the surface above such areas, in many cases we have found it possible to cast and bait-up to this marker, again reducing swim disturbance.

With good feature finding and location of paramount importance and a key element of carping success, the Deeper Smart Sonar Pro+, for us, has certainly become a super-valuable piece of kit. Thumbs up, Deeper!

“GIMME”: £189;

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