Fox Black Label 3-Rod Compact Pod
Fox shows us how we can take a complete pod set-up, without even noticing it’s there!
Let’s get one thing straight: you don’t always need a pod, but when you do, you really do! Turning up to a new lake and finding that the banks are reinforced with concrete, or that the swims are all jetties, or finding carp where you just can’t get the sticks in will ruin your session. But you don’t want to lug a pod around ‘just in case’. Quite right, us neither.
So, it’s just as well that Fox make carrying a pod, well, almost like not carrying a pod. How so? Take a look at the Black Label Three Rod Compact Pod. It’s lightweight and folds down to the size of one of those rulers you had at school (that’s 30cm if you truanted at the lake). So, it’ll tuck away in the carryall quite innocuously, or perhaps more practically, you can leave it hidden under the car seat until that moment when you really need a pod!
Size and weight aside, the pod is a bit of a cracker. Since launching a few years back, the Black Label bankware range has been winning fans who are both practically minded and fashion conscious, and this system shows just why that is. It couldn’t be simpler to use, but also, and crucially, you get ALL the bits that you need in the pack.
It’s versatile too, because you get pairs of two different-length Cam-Lok banksticks, which can be set-up at either end of the pod to allow you loads of room to either raise or lower your tips as conditions dictate. The pod comes with a conversion kit that helps you expose or blank-off the screw threads that convert the banksticks from standard to snag bar style.
The whole lot is supplied in a swish neoprene bag that features a hidden zipped compartment that’s been added to help you store bobbins or other bits and pieces in. Clever!
“GIMME”: £179.99