Gain a rig edge
From stiff bottom bait set-ups and combi rigs to boom sections on Hinged Stiff Links, it’s pretty obvious why Rig Marole’s CamH20 is Nigel Sharp’s number one hooklink material
Those lovely people over at Rig Marole – who’ve been making various hooklink materials since 2004 – specifically designed the CamH20 to be the ultimate stiff link material. They succeeded: it’s user-friendly, and obviously stiff, but unlike many others, CamH20 doesn’t require steaming to get it sitting straight. In actual fact, in Nigel Sharp’s eyes this material is pretty much faultless.
Over the past few years, The Sharpnator has been using and tweaking his Stiff Bottom Bait Rig (also known as The Clone Rig or Amnesia Rig), starting off with Amnesia (hence the latter name) before switching to a 30lb fluorocarbon material. Although the change was an improvement, it required a lot of attention, care and continual steaming to get it sitting really straight. It was a pain… but then CamH20 came onto his radar.

Neat, simple and it doesn’t require a lot of care and attention to get it sitting perfectly straight
Thanks to its special formulation grade fluorocarbon, it means you can literally screw it up into a ball, pull it tight, and then watch in amazement as it goes back to being dead straight, eliminating that irritating need to steam it each time.
Another awesome element about this material over other similar products is its slightly stiffer nature, which, after flicking through Sharpy’s iPhoto account this year proves that extra stiffness really has been working an absolute treat with his now perfected rig set-up.
“GIMME”: Available in 8, 10, 15, 20 and 25lb BS; £6.99 for 20m;rigmarole.co.uk
How to tie Sharpy's Stiff Bottom Bait Rig
l1. Nige uses a Four-Turn Grinner Knot for correcting the CamH20 to a size 8 flexi-ring swivel.
2. The length of the rig is usually between six- and eight-inches, and thanks to its near zero memory, it can simply be straightened out by pulling it rather than steaming.
3. To connect his chosen hook, Nige uses a Whipping Knot and because of this, when he creates his ‘D’ it results it a less bulky knot around the eye.