JRC Kurve Slim Indicator System
Greater accuracy than ever before...
It’s not very often that a company manages to cram UK-designed-and-engineered prestige and value for money into a carp fishing product these days, but that’s exactly what JRC has done. Their latest indicator system is the Kurve Slim, the skinnier (in a fashionable way) little brother of their popular Kurve indicator. Not convinced to change? Well, we’ve made it rather easy to check out whether these are going to be your new bobbins below…
1 You like your bobbins intelligent
Okay, so you know that bobbins are there to tell us when we’ve got a run, right? Weeeelll, we kinda already know at that point, don’t we? So, what more do we want? Well, how about a bobbin that’s stable enough in windy conditions to actually help you spot the subtle signs that fish are in your swim? That’s what the Kurve Slims do, when used with the stiff arm option.
2 You want one set of indicators
We all know that guy who collects bobbin heads (mostly variations on white), but that’s not for everyone. Most right-minded anglers would opt for one system that will suit all of their fishing, which is just what the Kurve Slims offer. They can be used in close (perfect for the ball chains) as the heads are extremely lightweight, but whack on the supplied drag weights and stiff arms and you can keep a tight line for long-range or Zig work. The line clip itself offers a great deal of versatility too, because you can choose to have the line fixed for extra sensitivity, or running in a more conventional fashion.
3 You like your kit looking on point
Yes, don’t we all! For starters, the indicator heads are lovely and slim, making them that little bit more subtle than most (and let’s face it, we don’t all want white PTFE hangers, do we?). A clever little internal isotope slot allows you to match your colours and have them all lined up looking neat for inspection! We like these little guys equally with the ball-chain option, or the stiff arm option, and we reckon you just might too!
4 You want total interchangeability
Then you’ll be happy with these, because all the parts; and we’re talking hockey sticks, stiff arms, ball chains and, most importantly heads, can be interchanged across your collection of Kurve Slims. Should the worst happen and you manage to break one (we don’t know, maybe you ran it over?), then you can swap and change without so much as
a thought.
5 You know good value
JRC nearly always pitch their kit at just the right level, and the Kurve Slims are no exception. You can grab a single indicator (fully functioning) for just £12.99, and three of the things for £36.99, which when compared to so many of the other systems available looks like a sterling effort (excuse the pun) to protect our pockets. Don’t forget, you get the ball chain and stiff arms thrown in together too!
Individual indicators, £12.99; set of three, £36.99