April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Memoirs of a Carp Fisher: Herman's Hole

It’s been well worth the wait…

They say everyone has a book in them, in Kevin Nash’s case it’s two and hopefully three if this is the second of a trilogy. His first book, ‘The Demon Eye’ came out some five years ago and laid bare what led him into fishing, into carp fishing and the origins and growth of Nash Tackle. This second book, some 240 full colour pages long takes up where the first one ended with his Canary capers right through to the end of his time at Warmwell.

Fishing waters as diverse as The Manor, Star Lane, Harefield, Warmwell and De Chira, Kevin reveals in detail what went wrong as well as what went right, not being afraid to admit to the many mistakes and blind alleys he went up in order to succeed. Not only do you get the autobiographical book but a second one, almost 100 pages long entitled ‘The Knowledge’, a tell-all look at the technical side of his carp fishing.

Now Kevin does not suffer fools gladly and he writes it as he finds it - very black and white. Not content to trot out the ‘same old, same old’ years of observing carp, catching carp and fine-tuning his approach means that this is not just theory but reality. From rig evolution to bite indication, bait selection to learning curves, PVA to tackle selection and so on, it’s a treasure trove of information anyone could benefit from. Stunning close up photography and superb colour images mean not only is the brain stimulated but also the eyes.

I must admit when I first got the book I was tempted to start on the technical stuff first but thankfully Kevin persuaded me not to so that I could trace the technical evolution within his many years on different waters.

An incredible book, an iconic angler and one for the ages. Please Kevin, don’t leave it five more years to conclude the trilogy…