April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

New season, new main line

For the past two years, ProLogic have invested a lot of time and effort into a new collection of main lines, Mimicry 3D, and the result is something which really does disappear

ProLogic hasn’t been a prime source of main line development for a long, long time. Rods, pods, nets and alarms, yes, but lines, no. However, that’s now all changed.

When ProLogic finally revealed their Mimicry 3D collection of lines at last year’s Efttex trade show (fishing’s equivalent to the Geneva Motor Show), they were met with the kind of praise that usually greets a sitcom from Ricky Gervais. They were showstoppers.

So what’s so special about this new line range which has taken over two years’ worth of both time and money? At first glance you could mistake these unique co-polymer monofilament lines for braid, such is their depth of colour and camo effectiveness. The Mimicry 3D pattern – the human equivalent to a militiaman hanging around an army surplus store – is totally absorbed into its surroundings thanks to the unique patterns which are achieved by mixing four natural shades and randomly fusing them together to eliminate the profile of the line. And unlike many “camo” main lines, this effect doesn’t appear to smudge or wear off in any way.

Mimicry 3D comes in three different blends: Visual XP, Mirage XP and Water Ghost XP but that’s not just its showpiece. These lines also sink like a stone and have a very low diameter in relation to their breaking strain (the 15lb version has a diameter of just 0.30mm, whereas most 15lb BS monos are around 0.38mm!). Add in reduced stretch and memory and you have a line with enhanced casting qualities and more “feel” when looking for a ‘drop’.

All blends come on 1,000m spools in the following breaking strains: 11, 13, 15, 18 and 21lb.

“GIMME”: From £24.99 to £35.99; prologicfishing.com
