April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Prologic R2L Bite Alarms

In 2014, CARPology was blown away by Prologic’s SMW Alarm. Three years on and they have something even better: the R2L...

Gone are the days when just two or three firms competed for your hard-earned in the bite-alarm game. The emergence of serious competition is great for all of us, especially if it drives the kind of innovation that Prologic has deployed in its light-reactive R2L alarms. You’re going to want to know more though, right?

The big questions

Of course I do… So it reacts to light - how?
Well, this is the clever bit. The special low-diameter roller wheel breaks an array of infra-red beams to pick up the tiniest movements of the roller, making it far, far more sensitive than a simple magnet wheel. It took them three years to perfect this system, and we can see why!

That is clever. Any other decent tech?
Yep, the system is bristling with features! How’s about integrated, adjustable snag ears? Drop-back indication? Night light? Or ten-stage adjustment on volume, tone and sensitivity? Yep, there’s loads of good reasons for the tech geek in you to rejoice.

You know it. The receiver is good for ranges of up to 150m, which makes even the dodgiest socials doable (in open-water swims only, of course!). It’s supplied with a protective cover and can be screwed onto a bankstick to allow it to be positioned to your liking (so it won’t fall down the back of the bedchair!).

The R2L is packed with tech, topped by their clever infra-red beam system

Does it chew batteries?
Despite all the features… no. Prologic has engineered a special power-saving system, which should ensure that you won’t run out of battery while you’re out on
the bank.

How’s it sold?
It’s available in the following LED colours: Yellow, Red, Blue and Green, and the heads (and receiver) are available separately or in three or four head/receiver presentation sets. The heads are £79.99 each and the 3+1 presentation set is £289.99 and the 4+1 is £359.99;

The receiver is good for ranges of up to 150m, which makes even the dodgiest socials doable (in open-water swims only, of course!)