Prologic Steri-7 Xtra
Shield you and the carp from infections and diseases thanks to this new range of products called Steri-7 Xtra – brought to us by the team at ProLogic
Go fishing and you can guarantee a couple of things will happen at some point. One: you’ll touch the water and two you’ll hook a fish (we did say at some point), which can also put both you and the fish at risk of infection. So how can you up your bio-security, that of the fish, as well as your kit? ProLogic has the solution…
1. STERI-7 XTRA Wipes
Wet-wipes: one of the best things to happen to nappy changing and carping hygiene alike – until now! They just got that bit better due to these, the ProLogic version receiving a healthy application of the STERI-7 XTRA formula. Perfect for disinfecting your cooking kit, cuts and grazes, and if needed, your sweaty butt crack on a summer’s day! (Come on, you were all thinking it.) “GIMME”: £7.99; prologicfishing.com
2. STERI-7 XTRA Personal Net Dip
The Personal Net Dip offers the perfect solution to the potential risk of carrying viruses such as KHV from one venue to another. Simply add your net to a mix of the odour-free Steri liquid and water (net stink bags are ideal for this) to remove all harmful pathogens and disinfect your net in seconds! Peace of mind for you and your quarry. “GIMME”: £19.99
3. STERI-7 XTRA Fish Care Spray
A lot of carp will soon be sporting a few spawning wounds through summer and the Fish Care Spay is ideally suited to treating those abrasions, as well as cleaning hook holds. It disinfects on contact to create a reactive barrier against infection that can also be applied to your own cuts or scratches to protect against nasties like Weil’s Disease (leptospirosis). “GIMME”: £12.99