RidgeMonkey Square Kettle
Kettles are round, right? We all know that. Don’t we?
Like all true innovators, RidgeMonkey decided to challenge what we thought we knew about our favourite bits of carp kit. Rather than get some faceless Far-East manufacturing giant to slap their name on a normal kettle, those cheeky monkeys redesigned a British carping institution! The question is though, are these strange-looking steam engines any better?
01. It’s a physics thing!
So, for you cynics, here’s the rub: The square footprint gives you a larger surface area than the standard round jobby that’s languishing in your rucksack now. So, it gives the heat source greater access to the water and, hey presto, it boils quicker.
02. Social or lone-ranger, they’ve got you.
The chaps have released two versions of the Square Kettle, one that holds half a litre, and one that holds a far more sociable 1.1 litres. Don’t worry, we won’t be judging you on your choice!
03. It’s a mobile angler’s delight.
Right, because it’s square, the kettle fits snugly into the corners of your rucksack or carryall, eliminating wasted space. Plus, the cool-touch handles (they don’t get red hot!) fold flat to the kettle, saving you even more space for biscuits!
04. They look cool
Yes, we know it’s a little frivolous, but they look kinda cool! The dark, matt grey brushed aluminium finish adds a touch of class and that square shape, well, it just looks that bit cooler than the trad round one!
05. There’s even a bag for it!
Finally, it comes with its own drawstring carry bag for those of you who genuinely want a bag for a bag! Joking aside, you’ll never lose that lid if it’s inside the carry bag!
Small, £22.99; Large £29.99