Rig Marole Linkteq Braid Chain Leader
There’s ‘pinned down to the lakebed’ and then there’s Rig Marole’s definition: ‘nailed down’. So say “hi” to the world’s first leader material to feature a miniature chain inner core…
Following the golden carp-catching rule: less visual + highly effective = more fish on the bank = happy punters, Rig Marole have produced a brand-new type of leader material which isn’t just heavier than all other materials, but it also follows the contours far better than what’s currently on the market.
With two years of R&D behind it, Rig Marole’s Patent Pending Linkteq Braid Chain Leader has three awesome qualities about it. 1: It’s insanely heavy. 2: It’s incredibly supple – something you’ll discover when you drop a length down into the margins and watch it follow the lakebed’s contours perfectly. It achieves this suppleness thanks to its inner core. Where other leader materials feature a length of wire inside their outer braid coating, Linkteq’s inner core is made up of a teeny chain so is incredibly flexible. And 3: because it has a braided outer coating, it’s means it is mind-blowingly abrasion resistant.
With its rated 45lb breaking strain and two colour options – Black/Green or Black/Brown – Linkteq is perfectly suited to handle (and disappear) all situations.
“GIMME”: £11.99 for a 5m spool. £3.99 for 1m ready-to-use leaders; rigmarole.co.uk