April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

Sufix Duraflex Mono

Sufix has a history that’s overflowing with classic lines – Duraflex just might be the next one... And here’s what we made of it...

Sufix has quite the history for bringing some absolutely brilliant lines to the market. How about Synergy for one? Bullet-proof and totally reliable. It’s fair to say that Sufix has all the tools to replicate the success that lines such as Synergy brought in the 1990s, because it’s a behemoth of a company, with access to the best in cutting-edge tech. So, when we heard that they had a new mono, DuraFlex, we had to find out more…

Thanks to that Nx Nano Resin Technology, Duraflex has very little stretch meaning you can feel the lead down better

1. It features Nx Nano Resin Technology

So, although we’re not going to pretend that we understand nano resin technology, we can relay the benefits of using a line that’s blessed with it! Basically, you’ve got a mono that’s got less stretch, but doesn’t lose its shock resistance. In our book, that’s pretty impressive!

2. Near-zero stretch

If you could level one criticism towards monofilaments in general, it’d be that they’re a little on the stretchy side. Thanks to that Nx Nano Resin Technology, Duraflex is a huge improvement. That means that you’ll be able to feel the lead down better, get better indication and compress your rod quicker than with standard mono. Win!

3. It’s a great performer

As a premium mono, you’d expect Duraflex to be a top performer, right? Well, yep, it’s a class act. It’s limp enough to whisper off your spool effortlessly, yet it has a toughness that’s been engineered to cope with the demands that we carpers put on our lines.

Duraflex takes all of Sufix’s decades of knowledge and the outcome is nothing short of sensational

4. There’s plenty of choice

There are three options available to you in the Duraflex range: Aqua Blue, Clear and Lo-Vis Green. We strongly suspect you’ll be steering clear of the blue one, but the other two will serve you well for most carp-fishing conditions. In terms of breaking strains, you’ve got 16 to choose from, right from 3lb up to 47.3lb!

5. It’s affordable!

You’re looking at between £11.99 and £14.99 for a 300m spool of Duraflex, in the usual carp fishing breaking strains. Now, that’s not what we’d call cheap, but it certainly won’t break the bank either, and you have to remember that you’re getting a premium product here!
“GIMME”: From £11.99 for 300m; sufix.com