Are these the best 5 rigs of all time?
Here are five of the ultimate carp-catchers which have banked some of the biggest fish in the country
1. Stiff Hinged Rig
Developed and made famous by the likes of Terry Hearn and Nigel Sharp in the early 90’s, this truly is the ultimate big fish rig to present over a bed boilies.
2. The Chod Rig
Singularly responsibly for more add-on terminal tackle items than any other rig. The Chod Rig has changed the way we feature-find – i.e. we now don’t!
3. Solid PVA Bag
We suppose this is more a ‘tactic’ than ‘rig’, but it’s the one time a braided hooklink will never tangle and outscore a semi-stiff material. An deadly combo.
4. The KD Rig
One of the best rigs around for when you want to present a critically-balanced hookbait. Very aggressive looking which results in very good hook holds.
5. The Blowback Rig
There have been a million and one spin-offs of the principle behind the blowback rig – ring, silicone, whipped – they all work, hence why it’s so popular.