How to create the perfect boom loop
The Hinged Stiff Link works on the basis of masses of movement so ensure you get the loop perfectly round
All aspects of the Hinged Stiff Link have to be perfect in order for it to work at it’s very best. If one aspect isn’t up to scratch then it can often let all of the other rig mechanics down and the chance of hooking a fish is heavily reduced. One thing that is incredibly important are the loops on the boom section, these dictate the amount of movement that the rig has and if they are reduced then the rig is nowhere near as effective.
The Figure Of Eight Loop Knot is one that is used by many anglers for the boom section, it can prove very effective but it still has a tendency of kicking the loops out at a slight angle. One that is even better for creating a flawless loop is the Perfection Loop Knot and this is how you tie it…
1. Firstly, create a simple and easy loop in your hooklink material.
2. Take the tag end around the back of the loop as shown in the picture.
3. Once the line is around the back, continue it around to the front again.
4. Take the loop where you first went around and pull it through the large loop.
5. This can be fiddly: tighten the knot down slowly. Remember to moisten!
6. When the knot is fully tightened down, trim off the tag end with some scissors.