April 2025 Issue
CARPology Rigs

How to tie a Ronnie Rig

It's like a mini, super safe, 360 rig which properly nails 'em!

1. You need: some curve shank hooks, shrink tubing and Flexi-Ring Quick Lok Swivels.

2. Start off by cutting a 1cm length of ‘Large’ shrink tubing like we’ve done here.

3. Now position the shrink tube onto the hook shank like so.

4. Mounting the size 12 Kwik Lok Flexi Ring Swivel onto the hook eye like so.

5. As you pull the hook onto swivel the Kwik Lok crook will distort slightly.

6. When pulled in fully, just squeeze the crook closed with some pliers as shown.

7. Now position the shrink tube over the crook ready to shrink over the kettle.

8. Shrink over a kettle of boiling water (be careful not to burn yourself).

9. Now you can either slide Hook Swivel or rig ring onto the hook shank.

10. Push a Covert Hook Stop onto the hook to stop said swivel/ring coming off.

11. Position the Hook Stop opposite the point as shown in this picture.

12. For easy bait mounting, loop some floss through the swivel and pull through a pop-up.

13. Mould some putty around the shrink tubing so the pop-up sinks slowly when tested.

14. Tie your chosen hooklink material to a Flexi Ring and attach a swivel to the other end.

15. The finished Ronnie Rig.