April 2025 Issue
Harry Law Rigs

How to tie a simple glugged solid PVA bag

Taska's Harry Law shows how to tie a simple glugged solid PVA bag rig in just 12 simple steps...

1 These what you will need to tie-up Harry’s solid PVA bags.

2 Firstly you’ll need a short braid rig attached to an inline lead set-up.

3 The next add a little Spod & PVA Pellet mix to the base of the bag.

4 Lower the rig into the bag, keeping the lead at the top like so.

5 Top-up the bag with pellets and push the lead into the top.

6 Tap the bag down so the pellets tighten up to get rid of any air.

7 Twist the top of the bag and tie it off with some PVA tape like this.

8 Push in the corners and carefully lick and stick down the PVA next.

9 Carefully puncture the bag to form a small hole in the side of it.

10 Push the Stick Mix Liquid nozzle into the hole and squeeze.

11 Boost the attraction even more with liquid on the outside as well.

12 The bag is packed full of attraction with almost zero food!