April 2025 Issue
Nigel Sharp Rigs

How to tie Sharpy's 'NS Rig'

It may look a little tricky, but it’s the best ‘rig tweak’ Nige has ever come across

1 Here are the bits and pieces Nigel uses to tie up his presentation, the NS Rig.

2 Peel back the outer braid and remove three-inches of the fluorocarbon like so.

3 Using a sharp pair of scissors, remove this fluorocarbon section as Nige has here.

4 Pull the braid back and you’ll be left with a super supple section like this.

5 Now tie a simple Overhand Knot in the end for your Hair stop like so.

6 And then mount your hookbait. Note the change from stiff to supple.

7 Now nick the point through the braid at the length you want the Hair.

8 Instead of threading the braid through the back of the eye, go through the front.

9 To secure the hook, Nigel used the tried and tested Knotless Knot method.

10 Now fold the hooklink back on itself to reveal the fluoro inner like so.

11 Gently pull the braided section back and then snip the fluorocarbon.

12 You then want to remove the main length of fluorocarbon like so.

13 As you can see, you’re now left with a stiff kicker near the eye.

14 Pinch on a No.4 shot halfway along the link – this is important as it helps turn the hook.

15 And there you have it: a stiff kicker with the Hair exiting perfectly along the shank.