April 2025 Issue
Nigel Sharp Rigs

Nigel Sharp on Zig Rigs

There have been many methods and tactics used over the decades, but here’s Nigel Sharp’s top ten which have seemingly dominated the big carp scene for the past 20 years - next up, the Zig Rig.

Dominance started:: 2014
Influential anglers: Nick Helleur and Terry Hearn
PB using rig: 29lb 12oz

I’m no expert at these things but on a recent visit to a tackle shop I’ve noticed that plenty of product development managers are; they even have ready-tied Zig Rigs to length now…

I have used them and I’ve caught plenty on them, but I have noticed that since pre-form Zig-Aligner attachments have come out, far more fish get foul hooked on Zigs – just as did they on Mag-Aligners. Obviously with setting up a hook on a longish hooklink, the set-up is designed to turn and grab anything that runs along the hooklink thus causing a foul. Maybe this subject is better left for the Rotary Letter but I’ve come to the conclusion that I prefer a trimmed down pop-up and tend to get more bites on them anyway.

As for the lead arrangement, I’ve played around with several different set-ups and have finally managed to eliminate any tangles by just simply using an inline lead with the uni-link swivel tied on upside down. Funnily enough I’ve used that set-up on a controller for years and it’s only just dawned on me that it works just as well on a Zig.

Zigs Rigs are often classed as being a ‘small fish method’. No they aren’t. Plenty of big ‘uns have fallen to them and as more anglers use them and the products get better I’m sure even more anglers will use and catch big fish on them. I dearly want to catch a thirty-pounder on one as my Zig PB is 29lbs 12oz.