Nigel Sharp's Solid 'NS' Rig
The 'No Sh*t' Rig...
What you need:
Stiff Ultra Skin (25lb)
Covert Incizor (size 6)
Hooklink Stripper Tool
How to construct Nige’s NS Rig
1. Strip back three-inches of the coating and then tie an Overhand Knot in the end for your Hair stop.
2. Take a Incizor hook and nick the point through the braid at the length you want the Hair to be.
3. Unlike 99% of all other rigs, you need to thread the braid through the back of the eye, not the front, and then secure the hook with a Knotless Knot.
4. You now have two options when it comes to finishing the rig. Using a Stripper Tool, either remove just half-a-centimetre of coating an inch or so from the hook. Or, you can remove all of the coating from this point, so you’re just left with a stiff kicker near the eye and then a very soft, supple hooklink boom.
5. Attach your hookbait - in this case a couple of tigers - and then tie a Figure-Of-Eight Loop Knot at the other end.
6. Pinch on a couple of No.4 or BB shots halfway along the hooklink - this is very important. If you didn’t remove all the coating, then pinch on each shot facing in opposite directions - this ensures the hooklink sits straight and doesn’t kick out at an angle.
7. And there you have it: a stiff kicker with the Hair exiting perfectly and not a simple bit of clutter on the rig.