April 2025 Issue
Rob Burgess Rigs


This is the rig which had an insane 100% bite-to-land ratio!


When CARPology filmed with Rob at Linear’s B2 back in 2019, he went on an insane 100% bite-to-land ratio while using this rig! At first glance, the rig may appear complicated, but with a bit of practice, it’s easy to tie and allows you to change the hook very quickly. The actual hooklink will last for ages, saving you both time and money.

Firstly, take 7-inches of 30lb Arma Kord and double it back on itself, creating a loop. Tie this via an Albright Knot to a length of 20lb IQ2, cutting away the tag ends. This will leave you with a length of IQ2 boom tied to a loop of Arma Kord, with the loop around 3-inches.

Thread on a small section of shrink tube onto the loop, followed by a size 4 Kurv Shank and finally a micro ring swivel. Loop the Arma Kord around the hook point, giving a ‘Multi-Rig’ effect, with the micro ring swivel sitting nicely on the back of the hook ‘Slip-D style’.

An anti-tangle sleeve is then threaded onto the IQ2, before krimping the IQ2, leaving the boom section of around 6-inches. This rig can be used on a lead clip or Heli Safe set-up.

You can be flexible with your hookbait with this rig, an 18mm wafter over boilies would work well, but Rob did extremely well using a little balanced snowman hookbait, comprising of a 10mm Cell bottom bait, topped with a tiny pink fluoro pop-up, which balances the size 4 Kurv beautifully.

“As long as there’s no weed present, this is now my go-to rig. With a 100% bite-to-land ratio, it fills me with confidence every time I cast it out. Give it a go, I promise you won’t be disappointed!”

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