April 2025 Issue
Scott Lloyd Rigs

Scott Lloyd's Noodle Rig

95% of the time, Scott favours the Noodle Rig

In essence…

The Noodle Rig is an aggressive bottom bait or wafter rig, incorporating a piece of shrink tube to the size almost, of the hook, which allows it to turn and flip efficiently in the carp’s mouth. I started playing around with this rig a few years ago after watching the carp turn me over in the edge. After a bit of tweaking, I ended up with this set-up, which features a long length of shrink tube, curved in aggressively at the end. This allows the hook to enter the mouth and then turn and catch in the part that you want: the tough bit of flesh a little further inside.

I think of it as say, a 10mm piece of tubing will flip in the carp’s mouth that distance back; so with a 20mm piece, it’ll turn even further back. That then is about right to hit the part of the mouth that gives you those secure hook-holds. Having watched fish from trees trying to deal with this rig, I know it’s the most efficient one I’ve used in terms of fish picking them up and not being able to spit them out easily.

The Noodle Rig doing the business!

Light hookbaits

I use the rig in conjunction with a barrel-shaped wafter, with the hook resting on the lakebed and the hookbait sitting just above the hook. The mix I use is often full of small food items and when the carp are sifting through these, having a light hookbait is really important.

I like to use it with a hooklink that will always reset. I like it to be supple, but when the carp picks up, it should retain enough rigidity to reset, should it be wafted around at all. This is why I use the 35lb Tungskin, or the new Camskin, as both behave as I want them to.

How to tie Scott’s Noodle Rig

1. Start by stripping back five- or six-inches of the braid’s outer coating like so.

2. Tie your Hair loop and then attach a rig ring a couple of inches back from the loop.

3. Thread on your chosen hook and pass it through the rig and secure with the Knotless Knot.

4. Take a long length of shrink tubing, thread it down the hooklink and position over the eye.

5. Shrink the tube down and then gently curve the end of the tubing with your thumb.

6. Finally, attach a dumbell-shaped wafter hookbait and then you’re ready to go!