CC Moore
Adam Penning Rigs

The Perfect Rig For The Perfect Bait

If you want to have the same level of confidence as Adam Penning when it comes to a hookbait/rig combination, then just prep those tigers and tie up this rig!

1. For his version of the Prong Rig, Adam uses a beak point hook with an in-turned eye.
2. Take a length of your chosen Chod material and connect the hook using a Whipping Knot.
3. Here’s the finished knot: very neat and tight. 

 4. To the tag end, add a hookbait swivel and then pass the tag back through the eye and blob.


5. For the main section, Adam uses a soft outer-coated hooklink material like this.
6. Cut off a good length and then strip back around 3-inches of the coating like so.

7. Fold the Chod material over to create a look and pass the coated material through.
8. You’re connecting the two materials together via an Albright knot, so whip up 6 to 8 times.
9. Then come down 3 to 5 times and pass the tag end back through the loop the same way.
10. Wet the knots thoroughly and then generally tease the two knots together before bedding.
11. To neaten the connection up, Adam covers the knot with a small piece of silicone tube.
12. He then adds a lump of putty to the hooklink, where the exposed/unexposed meet. 

13. Now for the hookbait. Using the blobbing method, Adam threads on two tiger nuts.
14. Position the first one over the hookbait swivel and then blub the floss with a lighter.
15. This, combined with the tigers detailed on the previous page, is serial deadly! 

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