Should you use a zig rig in a lake with a depth of 5ft or below?
We ask our panel of experts...
QUESTION: If you fished a lake with a depth of 5ft and below, would you still consider using a Zig Rig or would you just rely on pulling the fish down to a baited area on the bottom, even in really high pressure, clear skies etc.? And if that’s the case, what tricks do you use to pull the fish down – active Stick mixes, oils, etc., etc.?
Shaun Harrison
'I'd rather pull them down'
“I would certainly start off by trying to draw the fish down which is something I am always doing regardless of the depths any way. My washing in of liquid (into boilies) which I wrote about a few months back does this with a steady column of attraction rising as well as spreading so that fish passing over the bait are likely to breath in that column and hopefully drag them down. I find trickling a few baits over the area regularly to be most beneficial with just a few at a time. If fish are obviously passing over and not slowing down, then I will try a bait in front of their faces, if the mountain won’t come to Mohammad…”
James Armstrong
'I prefer them in deeper water'
“I rarely use Zigs in shallow waters and I have never found them to be that successful. I don’t use them a great deal for my fishing anyway, because my type of angling doesn’t really require them. But, I have generally found deep, clear pits to respond the best for Zigs. That’s not to say they won’t work but I haven’t found them to be great.
“In shallow waters, I would much prefer to set my traps on the bottom. Maybe a bright hookbait to catch their eye; a fleck of white or pink. Alternatively, baits with high appeal, along with the addition of oils in warmer weather, or other liquid attractants. I used Tuna L030 and Salmon Extract to great success this year on a snaggy, shallow pit. I covered my baits in the stuff and they seem to home in on the baits very quickly! I much prefer this method.”
Craig Mortimer
'Mini zigs can be deadly'
“I have fished waters in the past that are only 5ft deep and yes, I wouldn’t hesitate to giving the Zigs a go. There is a lake close to home where 4ft Zigs up against the island in 5ft of water is one of the best methods going on there. In my eyes, if I saw fish in the upper layers, then I wouldn’t hesitate in putting a Zig out. I’ve had massive success using Zigs in 4ft of water with 2ft of weed covering the bottom and setting a Zig 3ft just a foot above the weed. A little piece of black foam right in their faces always seems to bag me a bite. Of course, if the Zigs don’t work, I will try and pull them down to a spot and I’d try to do this with a mixture of particles, crushed boilies, crushed hemp and a good soaking of Bait-Tech’s Hemp Oil.”
Martin Locke
'I cover both options'
“The use of Zig Rigs and their success is unquestionable. They are another part of the angler’s armoury to induce a take and a result from what would otherwise be a blank session. Even in shallower water depths, a bait sitting up off the bottom, say 2ft in 5ft, could well do the job, as passing, curiosity fish often ‘trip up’ with something a bit different.
“Putting myself in the position, allowing for every day being different, I would probably try one rod fishing this way (hopefully three rods are allowed), this then gives me both options. As you know, I don’t use these pieces to plug products, but this time I will! Our Up&Down mixes are incredibly successful in these situations, as is the combination of Marine 17 and Chilli Salmon Oil in groundbaits and as a dip/soak. The Up&Down sends particles and attractors into the water column, obviously to draw fish down, but also provokes a reaction mid-water, so both methods are covered.
“The M17/ Chilli Salmon Oil mix has the cloud effect too, in that the M17 is highly water-soluble, so spreads around the swim, whilst the Salmon Oil disperses upwards and through the swim (this combo has been SMASHING THEM all year, but don’t tell anyone I told you!).”