Solar Sod Pod
The Solar Sod Pod is back, and it’s better than ever!
Once heard, it’s hard to forget the name: Sod Pod. Once used, it’s hard to imagine using anything else. That’s been the case since Martin Locke released his first Sod Pod in the 1990s. It’s been through a couple of incarnations over the years, and this one, the P1 Sod Pod, is the best yet. Lockey poured all of his renowned manufacturing knowhow into improving on a modern classic. The best bit? You’re still buying a product that’s made right here in the UK. Okay, let’s take a look at the finer details…

The Big Questions
How have they improved on a classic then?
Perhaps the most notable differences between this pod and its predecessors are the P1 5-spoke diamond knurling, and carbon collars. Those tweaks give the pod a totally new look. Scratching the surface (which is practically impossible by the way; this is one tough mother), you’re met with a host of cool features. The functionality of the P1 Sod makes it a much more user-friendly animal than the original, much as we love the old kit. It boasts a unique ratchet system, which allows micro-adjustment of each leg, independently of the others. This worldie of a feature means that you can always level the pod, even on really uneven terrain.
Any more cool technology?
The guys have lavished this pod with the finest Solar tech, such as the clever drop-in, anti-twist buzzer bar system. Now, it sounds cool, but what it does is much cooler! With this system, your buzz bars can’t twist round on the take, which makes a whole lot of sense to us! Solar supplies the P1 Sod Pod with a pair of fixed buzz, high-grade stainless buzz bars, so you’re up and running from the off, with no annoying extras to ratchet the bill up. They point out that the pod will also take other companies’ bars, but being the tarts that we are, it’s Solar all the way.
It’s not an ugly, sprawling monster, is it?
The guys looked at how else they could improve on the older Sod Pods, and decided to shorten the adjustable legs and uprights. This gives a cool-looking, compact pod that’s super-adjustable and can cope with all sorts of mad swim layouts. The team also made the front upright shorter than the back one, so your rods sit lovely and straight when perched on the pod.
Do I need an engineering degree to set it up?
Of course not. Lockey is a master at adapting complex principles for genuine angling situations, making it user-friendly along the way too. You can set this pod up in a matter of seconds, and it’s just as easy to pack away. As a matter of interest, it comes with a padded carry case too, so your precious pod won’t get damaged in transit, although we’re struggling to see how you could damage a high-grade stainless pod!
“GIMME”: £249.99