April 2025 Issue
CARPology Reviews

The Tempest Brolly

This isn’t just any brolly. It’s a Trakker Tempest Brolly

The days of roughing it under a 60” oval are almost over thanks to Trakker’s brand-new Tempest Brolly, part of their summer collection.

We all love a brolly. The promise of a quick set-up, go-anywhere, do-anything super lightweight frame has seduced the overnight/travelling-light angler the world over for years. And whilst there are some outstanding examples of near perfection, they do all appear to have one or two problems: 1) they move from side-to-side and fall forwards until you get the storm poles and pegs firmly into the ground and 2) no matter how short the manufacturers make that central boss and spokes, they are still there, still sitting inside the canvas, still getting in your way. So step forward the Tempest Brolly – the fifth generation of this incredible bankside home collection.

So we’ll start with the obvious: how does it differ? Well, in a nutshell it’s a shrunk Tempest Air, which to give you a comparison means it’s similar in size to a 60” brolly, but this goes up quicker and offers more internal space, so that ticks two very important boxes.

The composite central block (in black!), just like the other four models in the Tempest collection, is at the very heart of the Brolly

This rapid erection comes from using the same set-up principle as all the other four bivvies in the Tempest range: a composite central main block (which just like the ribs is black – yeeeesss!) system with seven ultra-strong-yet-ultra-light pre-formed aluminium alloy ribs. And when we say light, we’re talking a complete overall weight of just 4.4kgs light!

Where the Tempest Brolly wins again over traditional models is thanks to the ribs and block being on the outside, so that means there’s no clutter on the inside and that equals more space. And because of this chunky-poled frame, it gives a winning salute once more because it’s free standing. Fan open the ribs, pull that locking arm over and secure and it’s done.

There are also some other new tweaks which you won’t have seen before. They’ve reworked the traditional tension straps which all pram/fan-opening type brollies/bivvies feature. Instead of clipping it from one side to the other, this new version has a quick-clip bang in the middle, so once you’ve pegged the brolly down you can simply unclip it, and then, whilst pushing the straps to either side, smile smuggly knowing you’re never going to trip over a tension strap again.

And thanks to the block and ribs being on the outside of the brolly, it means more space inside

The Tempest Brolly is completely free standing

Around the front you’ll find a rain gutter which will divert water away from the front opening and it’s here where you’ll find two Velcro rod retaining straps. Along with the supplied tension strap and T-pegs, you’ll also see Trakker are providing you with a clever, new, fluttered carry bag which makes packing the brolly away so much easier.

If you want to turn the Tempest Brolly into a fool-hardly winter survivor, then simply purchase the optional extra Brolly Wrap. It transforms the brolly into a twin-skin shelter, helping to reduce condensation and insulate your shelter all at the same time. The dual-zipped door allows you to create a letterbox opening, whilst the roll-up mozzie window means you can see what’s going on during the summer months without being eaten alive. This too comes with heavy-duty pegs and is supplied in its own zipped carry bag.

Produced from ultra strong yet ultra light aluminium alloy poles, it results in an overall weight of just 4.4kgs

There’s a Wrap to go with the Tempest Wrap, which transform it into a twin-skinned winter warrior

And finally, should you require a little bit more comfort, there is a half-sized groundsheet available. This offers adequate coverage to keep your bed and luggage off wet or muddy ground.

There are many different ways to stay on the bank nowadays, but the Tempest Brolly offers up one of the finest: light, strong, spacious, easy and friendly on the wallet.

“GIMME”: Brolly, £249.99; Wrap, £129.99; Half Groundsheet, £44.99;

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The new carry bag means packing the Tempest Brolly away is so easy