CC Moore
Henry Lennon Other Stuff


The essentials which Henry can't be without in his carp fishing


1. Telescopic rods
Whether this is the typical Scope rods or the Dwarf rods that I personally use, these telescopic rods make carp fishing so much more enjoyable and grants you a level of freedom that you can’t find with standard 12/13ft rods.

2. Eurobanx
The Eurobanx series is definitely my favourite fishing series ever, and it epitomises everything to me that fishing should be: chasing big carp across Europe on a mega road trip with a friend. It showcased a side of angling to me that I have since become obsessed with.

3. The Eurotunnel
I must use this on a monthly basis, and nothing gets me more excited for a fishing trip than that drive down to the Eurotunnel crossing. In around 30 minutes you are on the continent where adventures await you!

4. Deeper
I can’t express how useful these things are when used correctly. They are a bit confusing when you first start using them, but once you understand how to use them and what they are telling you, they are like a portal that gives you access to that underwater world we are all trying to understand.

5. John Bailey
I owe a lot of my fishing upbringing to John Bailey and one of his encyclopaedias of fishing books. I picked it up at a car boot sale and read it cover to cover more times than I care to mention. As a newcomer to the sport at the time, with no one in my family or friend group to show me the ropes, it really was like a bible for me.

6. Bushwhacker Baiting Pole
I can’t understand it when people say to me that they can’t see a use for this in their own fishing. For the stealthy angler, there really isn’t a better tool to help you drop a rig and a parcel of bait quietly on a carp’s head. I would feel like someone had chopped off one of my arms if they said I could no longer use the baiting pole in my angling.

7. Wofte Camo Fleece Vest
I love this piece of clothing so much, and you will notice it appears in the vast majority of images and videos that I am because of how much I wear it. I think it looks great whilst providing that extra bit of warmth you sometimes need without restricting you in any way. My favourite piece of clothing by far!

8. Claw hooks
Don’t even try and argue the case that there is a better hook in carp fishing than the Claw pattern, because I just won’t have it! Not only are they one of the sharpest hooks out of the packet I have ever found, but the beaked point, angled bends, and wide gape means that the hooked-to-landed ratio is far greater than any other pattern I have ever used. They are the only hook pattern I currently use, and I don’t think that will ever change!

9. Jacob Worth
I hope he doesn’t read this, as I’ll never hear the end of it, but my fishing partner in crime is someone that I guess I love. We have had some amazing adventures together in fantastic places, and there’s no one I’d rather share the bank with!

10. A work van + a fuel card
I rack up some serious miles in my fishing adventures, so to have this all expensed and come from the wallet of Mr Kevin Nash instead of my own is something I really, really love. Thanks, Nashy!

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