The ultimate maggot rig? Pretty much!
Some carp angling methods evolve into something truly extraordinary!
Some carp angling methods evolve into something truly extraordinary! Whereby the overall effectiveness of bringing together the right components and bait coalesce to create a method that is so effective it’s positively scary! And possibly the most significant example of this is the Mag-Aligner.
On face value, the Mag-Aligner could be seen as ‘just another maggot rig’ but when you tie the rig right and fish it with a Micromesh PVA bag of germs it transcends the ordinary. The hook and bait are subtle as the hook used is relatively small compared to the iron work the carp normally comes across. Having an Enterprise Mag-Aligner Grub mounted on the hook shank to create the line-aligner effect and a few maggots mounted on the hook means that the baited hook is VERY inconspicuous. The Mag-Aligner Grubs are buoyant, so this also partially balances the weight of the hook making the hookbait react more positively when it’s initially.

What this ultimately creates, when the finished rig is lobbed out with a PVA bag, is a hugely appealing patch of maggots camouflaging the complete rig and a baited hook that blends in perfectly with the freebies. What this means is when a carp tilts up and starts browsing on the freebies, the slightly balanced hookbait, mounted on a soft hooklink material, lifts easily into the fish’s mouth and takes immediate hold thanks to the devastatingly effective hooking mechanics of the CVR or Mugga combined with the enhanced aggressive action of the ‘aligner’.
We always prefer to use a lovely supple braided hooklink like Trickster Heavy with the Mag-Aligner Rig – and the logic is simply that this super soft and pliable hooklink braid will not inhibit the small hookbait’s reaction when sucked. Despite the soft hooklink material tangles are not a problem as the baited hook is nicked onto the side of PVA mesh preventing them. Hooking it about two-thirds of the way down the bag is just about right; leaving a little slack in the link so the hook doesn’t tear the PVA mesh if it hits the water awkwardly or goes in un-feathered (who would cast like that?!)
How big a bag of maggots to use & how do you mount it to start with? To my mind, by far the tidiest lead arrangement that allows the PVA bag to be tied securely onto the end of the rig without creating issues in terms of the whole arrangement hitting the lake is a helicopter style arrangement. In this case the pendant lead is swapped out for an in-line lead held in place by a large ringed Flexi Ring Swivel – tie the PVA bag to the ring swivel and job’s a good ’un.
Both strategically and mechanically the approach is spot-on. Rob Maylin and Nernie Nonnington really did us all a massive favor when they came up and developed the Mag-Aligner a few years ago and if you’re approaching a relatively weed-free venue with maggots, it’s one approach that you really should give a go…
1. Take a size 10 Rigga CVR.
2. Tie this, Knotless Knot style, to 12-inches of 15lb Trickster Heavy.
3. Using a sewing needle, pierce the rubber grub (orientation as shown)…
4. …and carefully thread it onto your hooklink.
5.Push the grub over the hook eye…
6. …Making sure that the hooklink exits in-line with the hook point.
7. Test it’s lined up correctly by gently drawing the hooklink over your finger. The hook should flip over like
this every time when it’s right.
8. Tie a Figure-Of-Eight Loop knot in the end of the hooklink for ease of attachment.
9. Knick three or four maggots onto the hook.
10. Add a few large handfuls of maggots to an Easi Loada.
11. Tie the bag onto the bottom the Flexi Ring below the lead.
12. Knick the hook through the bag, being careful not to burst any maggots.