April 2025 Issue
Oz Holness Rigs

Tie Oz Holness's bottom bait rig

Follow these steps to tie former British record holder, Oz Holness's bottom bait rig

1 Here are the components Oz uses: IQ2 and Longshank X hooks in size 6.

2 Whip the fluorocarbon to the shank of the hook, opposite the barb like so.

3 Now whip the hook in place using a conventional Knotless Knot.

4 Pop a micro swivel onto the tag and form the ā€˜Dā€™ by poking the tag through the eye.

5 Next carefully blob the end of the tag with a lighter to secure the D like so.

6 This is how your rig should look: a really large D with a micro swivel on it.

7 Attach a ring swivel to the other end of the link using a Figure-Of-Eight-Loop Knot.

8 Make a bait floss Hair, thread on two bottom baits, securing the lower one to the micro swivel.