Underwater myth: Balancing my rig with corn
Fed up of listening with bleeding ears to the lake bore who knows absolutely everything and everything?
The myth
‘It annoys me when angling writers say things without thinking about them and also when they repeat a silly myth without back-up – e.g. ‘I’m using corn to balance out my boilie.’ Aaaaargh!’
The reality
“One grain of corn does virtually nothing to the rig. Two grains of corn may go some way to balancing the weight of the hook, and if that’s what you want, then please say it. I tested balancing the boilie and it took five pieces of corn… Not a presentation I’d plump for to be honest. Also, have a think about your presentation on the deck and what you want to achieve. When a fish, even a small one, comes over a baited spot, the water will be moved and the bait often moves around as well, especially when it comes to corn and hemp which are very light. Feeding fish create a lot of vortex in the water and the whole dynamic of the bottom of the swim can change with bait being pushed around all over the place. Boilies are heavier so anchor down well, but being round can roll. If you’re fishing a bed, try some chops in a bag for super effective presentation.”