What colour pop-up is best?
I’ve noticed that on certain lakes when I’m fishing with pop-ups that some colours are more effective than others, is there a reason behind this? Nigel Perry, via e-mail
Calum Kletta says: “Fish can often be ‘switched onto’ certain colours of pop-up and using this colour will greatly increase your catch-rate. There are many factors that influence this, but the two that I pay the most attention to are the water clarity and the background that the hookbait will be presented on.
“This is much to do with the contrast and visibility of certain colours. For example, a dull pop-up on a dull background will not stand out, but a bright pop-up on this background will be easily spotted and hopefully picked up. The water clarity affects the distance from which certain colours can be seen from. I have always found that a bright pink hookbait is the best in gin clear water, as this will stand out from a very long way away, whereas in murky water, white or yellow can be very effective.
“It is always a good idea therefore to try different colours on each rod in order to find out what’s working best on the day. Then, when you have found the colour that is working, switch over all the rods to this in order to maximise your opportunities!”