What's the best way to feed when floater fishing?
You’ve got your tackle sorted, the bait’s been bought, now here’s how you need to apply it…
“I like to feed upwind. This method allows you to feed regularly without spooking the fish too much. I use a spod, Spomb, Funnel Web bags and catapult. I just choose the right baiting method for the right fishing situation. There’s little point in bringing out a big Spomb if the fish are in close and at catapult range. Feeding smaller baits often helps to get the fish going and if this fails then try wetting and balling up your pellets. Few fish can resist pellets going up and down in the water column, which is what happens when you wet and ball up pellets.” Pete Castle
“In an ideal world I’m feeding by hand because I have the fish taking so close in. At short range I will use a catapult but for medium-range work I do love fishing with PVA bags as you can bait tightly and accurately at ranges up to 40yds. For extreme-distance then it’s the spod with the top capped off using crumbed and wetted biscuits to prevent any spod spill.” Alan Blair
“I usually feed in whatever way I can that creates the least disturbance possible, whether that’s by hand, catapult, mesh PVA bag or a spod. However, just occasionally I have found a venue where spodding out floaters actually gets a quicker response. Interestingly, this pattern of behaviour hasn’t just been limited to easy waters holding large stocks of fish.” IAN POOLE
“The method I use to deliver my freebies is highly dependent on the distance that I am fishing. I will always use a catapult for close-range work and soak the floaters in water to give them a little more weight to gain another 5 or 10yds.” Kev Hewitt