April 2025 Issue
Dave Levy Rigs

When is the perfect time to use a Chod Rig?

When is the perfect situation to use a Chod Rig?

The thinking behind the Chod Rig was to fish over a lakebed where presenting a bottom bait or pop-up on a hooklink would be hard – i.e. things like weed, deep silt and foliage from the trees littering the lakebed. There is more than one perfect situation to use this rig, as it can be adapted to suit different situations. For instance, I’m fishing a water that has a bit of weed and a lot of deep smelly silt, when a carp rolls, I’ll cast a Chod Rig to where it has shown and I pick the Chod because I know no matter what’s underneath the carp on the bottom, the Chod will present well. It’s a self-cocking rig that really fishes for you.

“There are plenty of times I don’t use the Chod but it’s a rig I definitely like to have in my armoury and one I’m very confident in.”

I have done well in the last year fishing it very short, around one-inch over bait, particularly in areas of light weed where normal rig presentation may have been a problem. There are plenty of times I don’t use the Chod but it’s a rig I definitely like to have in my armoury and one I’m very confident in. 

A chunky mirror that was nailed on a good old Choddy. Get on them - they’re awesome!