April 2025 Issue
Rob Hughes Features

Why you should use zigs in spring

Spring can be one of the most confusing times for us anglers. Why? Well, in spring there are so many variables that we have an awful lot to think about…

Zig Rig Spring Fishing

One key edge for this spring: Zigs

Definitely try Zigs. The more I use them and am aware of other people using them, the more I see just how deadly they are, particularly at this time of year.

For some reason people are not confident in them, but trust me, viewed from underwater a single black Zig fished in the top third of the water can be significantly more obvious than a bright pink pop-up on the bottom because the water is so clear and there is more light in the upper layers.

Quite why we’re not so confident in them is probably because they are artificial and it seems alien for us to use them, but if that is a mental stumbling block for you, dip them in some flavour or Talin which is an incredibly effective sweetener to give them a boost and it should give you more confidence to fish them effectively for longer.

Stick with black. From below black is the colour that stands out most and from the side it also jumps out of the blue/green water more than a brighter colour from distance. Add to the fact that it is the closest colour to the natural bugs in the water that it’s trying to imitate and you can see why it’s the best.

Nailed. Zigs get em every time and are deadly at this time of year

Depth is a vital factor and I know of a lot of lads that have been catching on short Zigs. It’s important to try all depths and whilst the upper third is the usual Zig depth they may be elsewhere. The bottom third can be deadly in the depths of cold or if the temperature dips back down again and there is a chance they may still be down there. A couple of foot or so off the bottom is a great depth, but remember, if you are going lower, a flash of colour helps, particularly if it’s yellow.

Finally, if Zigs are new to you or you are lacking confidence in them, get yourself down to the local ‘bobbins water’ and go for somewhere that size really doesn’t matter but there are loads of fish, even if they are 3lbs. Just take your Zig kit; no PVA bags, boilies or anything that will allow you to fish in any other way. Try it for an afternoon just to catch a few and you’ll be amazed at just how good they are. It will give you the confidence to fish Zigs on your main waters and you’ll also get some experience of how different the bite indication can be. With Zigs, if it bleeps or tightens in any way, hit it.