Win 10kg Of Cell And Some Special Pop-Ups!
And it won’t cost you a penny to enter!
Your rod supporting kit is obviously vital to any carping set-up and it must include a number of essential qualities. It must be strong and solid in position, variable for differing situations, and in some cases lightweight, but it must also (and don’t go kidding yourself here) look good once the rods are out and you’re sat back with a brew. Does the Century/Neville Bankware achieve all this? You can bet your back buzzer bar it does!
One lucky winner will receive 2 x 16" banksticks (RRP £25.99 each); a pair of small treble buzz bars (RRP £47.99), one stabilisier (RRP £15.99) and three bobbins (RRP £18.40 each).
So do you fancy winning all this? Of course you do, so answer the below question and cross all your limbs!